Welcome To

Deep Heart Charity

We are a family-run, 501c3 public charity with decades of experience and an expansive reach touching tens of thousands of lives each year. Our charity works on various levels to help  those who are in the most need in impoverished schools, orphanages, homes for the elderly, homeless shelters, with the disabled and those with special needs, in youth detention centers and prisons.

“…Whatever you do for these brothers of mine, even the least of them, this you do for Me…”

-Jesus (Matthew 25:35)

How We Help

Deep Heart Events

We perform a rehabilitating, educational, and transformative show of music, magic, comedy, theater and dance for those in need, underprivileged, or are suffering in some way. We have worked along side numerous ONG's, foundations and governments.

Working On The Streets

In many countries the streets are packed with people who are suffering in numerous ways. We canvas the streets, distributing flyers, talking, and listening to individuals from all walks of life to impact their lives with the unconditional love, life and hope that Jesus freely offers.
deep heart charity

Feeding The Poor

As often as we can we gather and prepare large amounts of food to distribute to the homeless in downtown areas and those we meet along the way. The time you spend on the streets, the more you realize they are not "homeless people" but just people who are homeless.
Elizabeth Deep heart Charity

Personal Counseling

We maintain contact with hundreds of individuals who reach out to us in many countries through phone calls, emails, text messages, and mailing lists with personal correspondence, counsel, comfort, an accurate understanding of the gospel and strategy to get their lives on track.

Enabling Students

We visit countless high-schools in the worst slums of developing nations. We put on events to reach thousands of students simultaneously and help them understand how to escape drugs & violence, engage their intelligence, develop life skills, and find God's purpose.
Deep Heart Dance Choreography

Magazine For Inmates

In 2020 we have begun producing and distributing a magazine created specifically for inmates. It is currently in over 120 correctional facilities across the USA. We draw from more than a decade of working in hundreds of prisons to offer real-life teaching, inspiration & transformation.

Suicide Prevention

In all our work on the streets, in schools, detention centers and prisons we often talk to individuals who are searching for a reason to carry on. We work hard in all we do to infuse others with real hope, compassion, kindness, and a vision for a meaningful future in God's overwhelming love.
Michael-Deep heart founder

Distributing Bibles

Several publishers have supplied us with bibles, New Testaments, and Gospels Of John to freely distribute to those who need them in many languages. While shipping and carrying them is very difficult and costly, it is worth every effort, especially, as they are very hard to get in some places.

Visiting Orphanages

We visit orphanages in third-world nations to bring small toys and gifts, spend time with and love the children, and put on world-class events with clowns and magic, sometimes trips to amusement parks or ice skating, and other activities they would otherwise never experience.

Working With Other Charities

We have volunteered or worked along side countless other ONG's and institutions. Including the Special Olympics, the United Nations (in Colombia), SOS Children's Homes International, countless city government and community projects & the Chilean Red Cross.

Work In Prisons 2022


Prison Events

In the past 12 years, we have put on over 400 large events in prisons in more than 15 countries, from minimum to maximum security and many of the “worst” prisons in the world. 

Distribution To Inmates

Our Magazine

Our magazine, Deep Heart Unbound reaches over 550,000 thousand inmates digitally and we have sent out more than 60,000 magazines in print. Letters expressing the difference it is making in the lives of inmates and their families continue to pour in. 


Our Video

The video of our performance and message, Rise From Rubble, reaches approximately 500,000 inmates across nearly every state in America. It is currently being played state-wide on CCTV in many states, including California.

A recent letter from an inmate:

Good morning.

I know that you guys are probably on the road doing what you all do best, giving people real hope. I just wanted to let you know how things are going with me. Since watching your videos and reading your magazines, and especially after hearing from you, I have made a big change in my life in so short a time. I have been drug-free for over six months and I don’t have the urge to get high. I left all my negative vices in the past and began a journey of positiveness. The people I converse with tell me I am different. I am trying to be the type of person you all have successfully become. I feel better about myself now and I have the urge to now live. I guess you say how has your videos accomplished so much in so short a time. Well, it is simply that you all seem to really care. You all don’t do this for a paycheck, or for to glorified. We don’t have that here in the belly of the beast. So it is truly an inspiration to have normal people like you all who really do what you do because you care.

And the great thing about it all is that you don’t try to shove the Bible down a person’s throat or try to use Christianity to force a person to change. You come with real life experiences. And like your name says, you all come from deep in the heart. I thank you for it and pray that I can become an inspiration for some one else because of you. Thank you for the songs you all sing in your videos, thank you for the history lessons, and thank you for the feeling of family. I wish you and all your family the greatest of blessings. Thank you and God bless you. I don’t think you guys are aware of how much you touch the heart of men like myself who once thought that suicide would be my only way out. But you all made me see that I am somebody. I can make a change. That God does still love me despite my wrongs. I even told my mother about you all and she is so thankful that you gave me a reason to live. I truly thank you and pray that God will bless you all in the greatest way.

James J. 


An Article Printed About Our Work In The Infamous Angola Prison:


On June 17, 2021. Something happen on that day which changed the perspective and hearts of many in this prison including myself. The profound performance, testimonies, music, comedy, magic and so much more was only God sent by this anointed family DeepHeart.

Unbelievable performance! Words can not describe the presence of Christ the Son which flowed from the hearts of this family. Faith in action. Their belief unshakable, and their relationship with the Father unexplainable. There is a word that DeepHeart expressed, that I believe comes from the same mind set of the Gospel of Christ….

You all made the light of Christ Jesus brighter than even before in this prison. And I am forever humble and grateful from my heart and soul. If for some reason your institution haven’t seen or heard about DEEPHEART! ADVISE SEE IT FOR YOURSELF.

May the peace and blessing of our Lord and Savior be with you always.

-Dannie J. 

La. State Prison Angola, Louisiana.


Sarah With Children In Village
Ruth Mercy Deep Heart
Michael Deep heart

“…Remember the poor…



Our Show

We perform a rehabilitating, educational and transformative show of music, magic, comedy, theater and dance. Through the presentation we create a platform where we can teach, inspire and create a personal connection with the audience to offer an unforgettable, and often, life changing experience. For the past 10 years we have had breakthrough success in touching the lives of tens of thousands of through hundreds of events across many countries.

We work hard to offer a performance that is cutting-edge and high quality that both entertains, inspires and educates people from all walks of life. We design it to combat mental atrophy and bring hope, sincere love, creative inspiration, traditional values, and the love and truth of God as a Father.  

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing.”

-Edmond Burk


Covid Lockdown Update:

During Covid so much was shut down. We  focused our efforts on preparing for future events and received many requests for our work as soon as restrictions  ere lifted. Meanwhile, we were working double time to correspond with individuals in several countries to utilized this time as much as possible. 

Many are suffering in extreme isolation with no visits or activities. Some prisons are on a 24/7 cell lockdown. Imagine dealing with that for months. Others have widespread outbreaks of Coronavirus with no way to social distance or implement proper health and hygiene protocols. Tragically, for some it has become a death sentence.

In response we created, published, printed, and distributed a 28 page, full color, magazine to bring a cutting-edge appeal to inmates across America. We worked for several months to draw from our experiences over the past decade in more than 228 prisons to create content that is relevant, helpful, and a motivation to initiate lasting change, in the prison atmosphere. The magazine brings mental stimulation, education, inspiration and comfort and the love of Jesus to those who are so isolated during this time from all walks of life and backgrounds. 

We have received overwhelming response from the thousands we have distributed thus far in over 120 correctional facilities from both the administrators, chaplains, and inmates. There are multitudes more whom we would like to reach and send the magazines but currently resources and funds are limited. If anyone would like to or be able to help us, it would be greatly appreciate by us and all the men whom it would help. 


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