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Here in our shop, we offer premium, original gifts, with something that is sure to hit the mark for everyone on your list. 100% of proceeds are used to help the people that we work with that are in need. Thank you so much for any purchase!

Inspirational Posters:

How our funds are used &

How We Help

Deep Heart Events

We perform a rehabilitating, educational, and transformative show of music, magic, comedy, theater and dance for those in need, underprivileged, or are suffering in some way. We have worked alongside numerous ONG's, foundations, and governments.
deep heart working in schools

Visiting Orphanages

We visit orphanages in third-world nations to bring toys and gifts, education & love to the children and put on world-class events with clowns and magic, sometimes trips to amusement parks or ice skating, and other activities they would otherwise never experience.

Feeding The Poor

As often as we can, we gather and prepare large amounts of food to distribute to the homeless in downtown areas and those we meet along the way. The time you spend on the streets, the more you realize they are not "homeless people" but just people who are homeless.
Elizabeth Deep heart Charity

Personal Counseling

We maintain contact with hundreds of individuals who reach out to us in many countries through phone calls, emails, text messages, and mailing lists with personal correspondence, counsel, comfort, understanding of the gospel, and strategy to get their lives on track.

Enabling Students

We visit countless high-schools in the worst slums of developing nations. We put on events to reach thousands of students simultaneously and help them understand how to escape drugs & violence, engage their intelligence, develop life skills, and find God's purpose.

Magazine For Inmates

In 2020 we have begun producing and distributing a magazine created specifically for inmates. It is currently in over 150 correctional facilities. We draw from more than a decade of working in hundreds of prisons to offer real-life teaching, inspiration & transformation.

Suicide Prevention

In all our work on the streets, in schools, detention centers and prisons we often talk to individuals who are searching for a reason to carry on. We work hard in all we do to infuse others with real hope, compassion, kindness, and a vision for a meaningful future in God's overwhelming love.
Michael-Deep heart founder

Distributing Bibles

Several publishers have supplied us with bibles, New Testaments, and Gospels Of John to freely distribute to those who need them in many languages. While shipping and carrying them is very difficult and costly, it is worth every effort, especially, as they are very hard to get in some countries.

Working On The Streets

In third-world countries the streets in many parts are packed with people who are suffering in numerous ways. We canvas the streets, distributing flyers, talking, and listening to individuals from all walks of life to impact their lives with the unconditional love, life and hope that Jesus freely offers.
deep heart charity

Working With Other Charities

We have volunteered or worked along side countless other ONG's and institutions. Including the Special Olympics, the United Nations (in Colombia), SOS Children's Homes International, countless city government and community projects & the Chilean Red Cross.
Sarah With Children In Village
Ruth Mercy Deep Heart
Michael Deep heart

We have dedicated our lives to changing lives.

Welcome To Our Page

Deep Heart Charity

We are a family-run, 501c3 public charity that helps others in need, touching tens of thousands of lives each year. Our charity works in impoverished schools, orphanages, homes for the elderly, homeless shelters, in youth detention centers, in prisons, with recovering addicts, and with the disabled and those with special needs, in the United States and various third-world countries. Our priority is to bring the genuine love of God the Father, practical help, education, inspiration, therapy, and individual counsel to the poor and those who are most forgotten. We are simple Christians, doing everything we can for the “least” of His brothers.

“…Whatever you do for these brothers of mine, even the least of them, this you do for Me…”

Matthew 25:35

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